Fort Myers

Auto Services in Fort Myers, Florida

Auto Services that Extend the Life of Your Vehicle

City of Palms

Fort Myers, Florida, is known as the City of Palms. That’s interesting–even as it applies to your auto services. The palm tree is known for its growth potential (with some varieties reaching quite a stature) and its symbolism of life (with some palms living for 100 years). So how does that relate to auto services? Established in 1997, JSN Auto Repair is solid, growing from a single location to seven across the southwestern portion of the state with a plan for further future expansion. The auto services our staff provide can significantly extend the life of your car. Although our ASE-certified technicians cannot promise your vehicle will run for a century, we can help you get the most out of your transportation investment. You’ll find us just off the I-75/93 corridor at 9400 Daniels Parkway Fort Myers, FL 33912. Schedule your next appointment for auto services using our online scheduling tool or call us at 239-240-8000. Of course, walk-ins are always welcome Monday through Friday, 7:30 am-6:00 pm, and Saturday, 7:30 am-5:00 pm.

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Mon-Fri 7:30am-6pm
Sat-Sun Closed